Tippmann Cyclone Feeder System for Custom 98 and Custom Pro

Tippmann Cyclone Feeder System for Custom 98 and Custom Pro

Tippmann Cyclone Feeder System for Custom 98 and Custom Pro
  • Includes 200-round hopper, sprocket system, installation instructions, and hardware
  • Synchronized ball feeding for reduced breakage and faster loading/shooting; the faster you shoot, the faster the next ball loads
  • Note: If being used on a Custom 98 or Custom Pro marker with a response trigger, you will need an adapter kit, model T299003
The Tippman(r) Cyclone(tm) feed system for Tippman(r) 98 Custom, Custom Pro, Alpha Black, and U.S. Army paintball markers links the feeder sprocket to the air system for synchronized ball feed for reduced breakage and jamming. It feeds up to 15 balls per second and includes a wide-mouth, 200-round hopper that attaches via a quick-release elbow.The Cyclone Feed System from Tippmann is compatible with the Custom 98 and Custom Pro marker and links the feeder sprocket to the air system for synchroni

List Price: $ 59.95 Price: $ 59.00

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