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South Bandung
South Bandung Tourism merupakan website yang menyajikan informasi seputar wisata yang ada di Bandung Selatan. View all posts by South Bandung
The Upas Tree; A Christmas Story for All the Year
Columbia Pictures Presents UPA's Cartoon Classics
Parel, Anthony J.'s Comparative Political Philosophy: Studies under the Upas Tree (Global Encounters: Studies in Comparative Political Theory) 2nd (second) edition by Parel, Anthony J. published by Lexington Books [Paperback] (2003)
Java Tembang Sunda
Tah kitu atuh heg edarkeun ari enya mah micinta kana seni sunda,sugan weh aya produser ti hollywood anu tertarik,xixixixixixixixiiiii
Salaku urang sunda sim kuring ngaraos reu’eus ningal ieu album,kumargi sim kuring seneng pisan ngadangu ieu lagu. MANTAP PISANNNNN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Tah kitu atuh heg edarkeun ari enya mah micinta kana seni sunda,sugan weh aya produser ti hollywood anu tertarik,xixixixixixixixiiiii
Salaku urang sunda sim kuring ngaraos reu’eus ningal ieu album,kumargi sim kuring seneng pisan ngadangu ieu lagu.
MANTAP PISANNNNN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,